DCA Community Garden (Somerset and Preston streets)
The DCA Community Garden was launched in the spring of 2017, thanks to funding from the City of Ottawa. The garden is located at the corner of Somerset and Preston, at the junction between Ottawa’s Chinatown and Little Italy neighbourhoods. The garden is a member of the Community Garden Network (Just Food) and is a volunteer-run initiative.
If you are interested in getting involved, getting updates on the garden, or being added to our waitlist for gardeners next year, please contact us at dcacommunitygarden@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

Sweet Willow Garden (Rochester Street between Albert and Primrose)
The Sweet Willow Garden will be up and running again in spring 2025! Thanks to funding from Just Food and the hard work of the DCA’s Public Realm committee the Sweet Willow Garden, which previously existed at this location, will be back for the 2025 gardening season.
Find out more about this garden’s story in our post.
Garden amenities:
– Galvanized steel beds filled according to hügelkultur methods
– Tool shed
– Rain barrels and hose to water supply
If you are interested in being involved as a volunteer, contact us at sweetwillowcommunitygarden31@gmail.com
To sign up for a garden bed, please fill out this google form.