Public spaces are for everyone! The Public Realm Committee works to ensure that Dalhousie residents have a healthy environment and safe places to play for all ages. We often collaborate with other community groups, such as the Plant Pool Recreation Association (PPRA), Somerset West Community Health Centre (SWCHC), and Community Associations for Environmental Sustainability (CAFES), on issues relating to public spaces in our neighbourhood. 

We meet once a month to:

  • advocate for recreational facilities, trees and community gardens.
  • monitor environmental policy from all levels of government as they affect the Dalhousie community area.
  • review and comment on plans for changes to existing parks as well as new recreation areas.
  • monitor and comment on public art projects, including street furniture and murals.
  • encourage ways to commemorate the rich history and cultures of the area, including the use of plaques and walking tours.
  • organize events to improve the public realm (bulb plantings, guerrilla weeding, clean-up events)
  • liaise with the Mobility Committee on sidewalk uses and infrastructure.
  • participate in the 1010 Somerset Coalition along with PPRA, SWCHC, HCA and other groups.

Want to bring forward an idea or just listen in to find out what’s going on? Contact us for meeting information.