The DCA, in conjunction with the Centretown Community Association (CCA), jointly own and operate The Centretown BUZZ, a monthly, non-profit community newspaper serving the neighbourhood of Centretown in Ottawa (from north of the Queensway, from LRT Line 2 to the Rideau Canal). The papers are delivered by volunteers from the DCA and the CCA, and most of the content comes from the community as well.
About The BUZZ
The Centretown BUZZ covers community news and events, local history, and issues affecting Centretown residents. They publish regular reports from the DCA, CCA, our city councillor, and our MPP, and we feature several regular columnists. Other organizations and individuals contribute on an occasional basis, and a small team of writers and photographers covers news and current events.
Where to Find The BUZZ
The Centretown BUZZ is hand-delivered to residences, businesses, and facilities throughout Centretown, including:
- Plant Recreation Centre
- Dalhousie Community Centre
- McNabb Community Centre
- Jack Purcell Community Centre
- Centennial, Cambridge, Glashan and Elgin Street schools
- Good Companions Centre
- Ottawa Public Library main branch
- Herb & Spice
- various establishments on Elgin Street
- most apartment blocks and most home mailboxes between the Rideau Canal and LRT Line 2, and between the Ottawa River and the Queensway. If your building is not currently receiving The BUZZ, please email so we can arrange to have copies dropped off.