Interested in helping to green our community? Adopt a planter or bulb-out near you!
The city provides public planters with the intention that community members will take care of them. We’d like to connect you to a nearby planter or bulb-out and turn them into lovely spaces like these!

Planters & Bulb-outs adopted on Cambridge St. N., DCA garden at 755 Somerset St.,Planter adopted by 40 Arthur St. Neighbours
For more inspiration check out what Montrealers have been doing with their sidewalk gardens!
How it works:
Fill in the form below.
A Public Realm member from your area will contact you to discuss what’s available.
Then it’s up to you! Don’t forget that you are responsible for all maintenance, including watering.
- Make your own plant selections. We encourage perennials, especially pollinators and native plants.
- If there’s a tree in your planter, make sure it gets a good soaking from time to time.
- Use your local Buy Nothing groups to exchange plants and gardening info.
- The DCA will assist with neighbourhood mulch drops and we’ll notify you.
- We are also looking into a solution to improve the soil in these planters. Stay tuned.
Adopt a Planter is championed by your local DCA Public Realm folks!