Centretown Community Conversation on Homelessness

Find all the event information including registration details at the eventbrite link here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/centretown-community-conversation-on-homelessness-tickets-1117638840859?aff=CCAMailchimp&mc_cid=2dfdd60394&mc_eid=d07dc900fa

DCA Monthly Meeting

DCA monthly member meeting. Everyone welcome! This meeting will take place on Zoom. Contact president@ottawadalhousie.ca for the link.

DCA Monthly Meeting

DCA monthly member meeting. Everyone welcome! This meeting will take place on Zoom. Contact president@ottawadalhousie.ca for the link.

DCA Monthly Meeting

DCA monthly member meeting. Everyone welcome! This meeting will take place on Zoom. Contact president@ottawadalhousie.ca for the link.