Sweet Willow Garden build day a success!

Saturday, September 28 was a beautiful day for the Sweet Willow Garden with about 40
neighbourhood volunteers joining us to help construct and fill 20 large steel beds.
The steel beds came in four pieces, so we needed to move each to its designated location,
assemble it, and bolt the pieces together. Folks jumped into the task and got creative
crouching, bending and tucking themselves inside the beds to attach them and strengthen
them with steel rods.
Volunteers also learned about hugelkultur and how to fill each bed with logs, branches, twigs,
leaf mulch and a layer of topsoil to fill the top 5 inches in each bed.
After a long day, a few small tasks remain, including constructing four smaller beds and
installing a garden sign. But thanks to the community effort, we are well on our way to re-
opening the garden for the 2025 gardening season!
Interested in getting involved? Contact the garden at